Several students have come to us with abusive backgrounds, no place to go, dorms closing, and they all had one common situation: nowhere to go, no one to help, and no financial solutions.
Hearing that, we added a component to TRUTH Apparel, which was to use funds to buy extended-stay hotels, and Room with people willing to volunteer space in their homes. This was only a temporary fix to a larger issue because of limited funds, so we launched Operation SafeHouse.
Our goal with Operation SafeHouse is to purchase a building within the KC Metro Bus System, to house students in compromising housing situations, mentor them in how to gain and retain employment, and become mentors out of mentees.
To accomplish this, we are raising $15,000 to buy the building, instead of renting it. We appreciate anyone who believes in the vision we have to help our youth out by giving them hope in an indifferent society.
- TRUTH Apparel